Grading Policy for CSE 5912

Point Values:

The following guidelines will determine your grade

Homeworks are graded as full credit (completing the assignment, with room for 1-2 small mistakes), half-credit (assignment partially complete or has a signifcant error, ex: no source or source does not compile), or no credit (no submission or next to no work turned in). All other grades are qualitative and at the discretion of the instructor. Similar to the rubrics, these grades are based on doing research/information gathering, effort on the team project (its implementation, documentation, and presentations on it), and professionalism both inside and outside of the classroom.

Your performance for Group project and Technology group work will be based (in part) on the following rubics for Capstone courses:

For all presentations the instructor will evaluate performance using the following rubrics:

For reference and historical context, in previous semester Technology Team presentations and content were evaluated using this rubric: